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BioRePeel Pre & Post Care

BioRePeel is an innovative treatment peel that dissolves bonds between cells that carefully removes the top layer of skin revealing the glowing smooth layer underneath. While exfoliating the skin surface, it also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.


What to avoid before treatment

  • Laser Hair Removal

  • Waxing

  • Chemical Hair Removal Creams

  • Electrolysis

Immediately post treatment

  • Topical Retinoids

  • Tretinoin

  • ANY Exfoliants

  • Other topical acids

Avoid for up to 2 weeks

  • Avoid direct sunlight and heat. This includes simple day-to-day tasks such as gardening, cooking over a hot stove for a long period of time, sitting next to a bonfire or fireplace, etc. 

  • Discontinue use of any Alpha-Hydroxy products. Use hydrating and reparative products. Products rich in soothing and healing ingredients are best to encourage new, healthy cell growth.

  • Avoid non mineral based makeup products.

  • ALL AHAs, BHAs and retinol for 7 days

  • Laser Hair Removal, waxing, sunbeds, swimming, and saunas for 7 days.

  • Use physical sunscreen. Sun care products should be applied no less than every 30-90 minutes. DO NOT go outside without sun protection (even on a cloudy day).

What's NOT normal

  • Call our office at (480) 993-2218 if you experience excessive redness, swelling, pain or drainage as they might indicate an infection.

Brow & lash tint

Brow & Lash Tint Post Care

If your brows or lashes look too dark don’t worry - it will fade. It is important that color is a little darker to begin with so the tint lasts. The initial darkness will only last a few days and will get a little closer to the right color every time you cleanse your face.

Your tint will last around 4-6 weeks. Please check that your cleanser/eye makeup remover isn’t oil-based. Oil strip the time from your lashes and brows. Swap for gel or cream based cleansers or our esthetician will recommend the best product for you


Post Care:

- Avoid touching or rubbing lashes or brows straight after the tint application

- Avoid eye makeup for 12 hours

- Do not take a hot shower, bath, use saunas, steam rooms, hot tubs or pools for at least 24 hours after your tint

- Strong UV light can fade the tint quicker

- If any redness or irritation occurs apply a damp cotton wool press to the area


Tetra CO2 Post Care

Congratulations on completing your CO2 treatment! CO2 laser offers fully customizable skin resurfacing treatments that eliminate signs of aging like wrinkles, sunspots, and uneven texture for dramatically smoother, brighter, younger-looking skin. Tetra CO2 works by removing top layers of damaged skin tissue and stimulates regeneration of healthy skin underneath. New collagen is formed and elastin is tightened for long-lasting benefits.

What to expect:

  • Skin will immediately feel warm and swollen. Keep the skin cool with a cooling fan and/or direct a/c on your drive home.

  • A mild serous (watery) discharge and some pin-point bleeding after treatment is normal.

  • Redness and pinpoint scabbing typically subsides in 7-14 days. Your skin will feel rough and slough off. DO NOT PICK SKIN!

  • Complete clinical healing can take up to 3-4 weeks depending on your skin type and treatment options utilized.

  • Skin rejuvenation will continue to develop for 3-6 months. Additional treatments can be repeated after 2-3 months until patient goals are achieved.

  • Avoid touching or cleaning the area for 24-48 hours (except to apply aftercare products).

  • Mineral Makeup can be applied after 72 hours if needed.

Post-care instructions:

  • During the first 24hrs, utilize a fan to ease discomfort and cool the area. Remember to stay hydrated.

  • Keep your face covered with a thin layer of Aquaphor. Apply 2-3 times daily. Do not let the skin dry out. 

  • Sleep with your head elevated on a clean pillow case, avoid sleeping with pets.

  • You may wash your face 24-48 hrs after your treatment with a gentle cleanser and pat dry with a clean towel. Avoid using hot water when showering or washing your face.

  • Continue a healthy facial routine of gentle cleanser, healing serum, moisturizer, daily sunscreen and healing ointment 24-48 hours after your treatment.

  • A cool misting spray may be used for comfort, if needed.

  • Avoid sun exposure for 3-4 weeks after the treatment. 

  • Avoid intense workouts and sweating until redness and swelling subside, usually 4-7 days.

  • Vinegar soaks can help neutralize the skin and cool it down. Use 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 1 cup of water and apply to the skin with soaked cotton rounds. 

  • Have acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Zyrtec/Benadryl (an antihistamine) available at home for discomfort and itching that may result from the procedure.

  • We recommend scheduling a Diamond Glow facial after skin is healed to exfoliate any remaining dead skin and infuse hydrating serums. (4 weeks after treatment)

  • Combining CO2 treatment with SkinMedica HA5 and Lytera 2.0 helps maximize results!!


Please call our office at 480-993-2218 if you experience any blistering, smelly discharge, fever over 100°F, or increased pain after 3 days.


CoolSculpting Elite Post Care


Congratulations on completing your CoolPeel treatment! CoolPeel targets damaged skin revealing younger & healthier-looking skin. The CoolPeel has the precision and control to deliver energy at the right depth and speed for superficial skin resurfacing results without lingering heat that would damage the surrounding skin. One of the main benefits of a CoolPeel is that there is minimal downtime. 

What to expect:

  • Skin will immediately feel warm, swollen and inflamed. Keep the skin cool with a portable cooling fan and/or direct a/c on your drive home.

  • Redness and pinpoint scabbing typically subsides in 3-5 days. Complete clinical healing can take up to 7 days depending on your skin type and treatment options utilized.

  • After redness and swelling subsides, your skin may feel rough and slough off. (DO NOT PICK SKIN)

  • Skin rejuvenation will continue to develop for 3-6 months. Additional treatments can be repeated every month until patient goals are achieved.

  • Avoid touching or cleaning the area for 24 hours (except to apply aftercare products).

  • Mineral Makeup can be applied after 48 hours if needed.

Post-care instructions:

  • During the first 24hrs, utilize a fan to ease discomfort and cool the area. Remember to stay hydrated.

  • Keep your face covered with a thin layer of Aquaphor. Apply 2-3 times daily. Do not let the skin dry out. 

  • Sleep with your head elevated on a clean pillow case, avoid sleeping with pets.

  • You may wash your face 24 hrs after your treatment with a gentle cleanser and pat dry with a clean towel. Avoid using hot water when showering or washing your face.

  • Continue a healthy facial routine of gentle cleanser, healing serum, moisturizer, daily sunscreen and healing ointment 24 hours after your treatment.

  • A cool misting spray may be used for comfort, if needed.

  • Avoid sun exposure for 2-4 weeks after the treatment. 

  • Avoid intense workouts and sweating until redness and swelling subside, usually 2-3 days.

  • Vinegar soaks can help neutralize the skin and cool it down. Use 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 1 cup of water and apply to the skin with soaked cotton rounds. 

  • Have acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Zyrtec/Benadryl (an antihistamine) available at home for discomfort and itching that may result from the procedure.

  • We recommend scheduling a Diamond Glow facial after skin is healed to exfoliate any remaining dead skin and infuse hydrating serums. (4 weeks after treatment)

  • Combining CO2 treatment with SkinMedica HA5 and Lytera 2.0 helps maximize results!!


Please call our office at 480-993-2218 if you experience any blistering, smelly discharge, fever over 100°F, or increased pain after 3 days.

CoolPeel Post Care

Your CoolSculpting Treatment Day

  • Wear comfortable, loose clothing to your appointment.  We will provide you with disposable undergarments.

  • Eat a couple hours prior to your procedure. This will help minimize risk of lightheadedness and dizziness.  We will provide snacks and beverages during treatment if you begin to feel hungry.

  • Prior to your procedure, we will be taking baseline photographs, and at your 4-6 week, and 3 month follow up visits.

  • The treatment room has a television with Netflix for your use during treatment. You may also want to bring your own reading materials etc. to entertain yourself. Total treatment times will vary from one to five hours. There is public Wi-Fi.

  • Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water before, during, and after CoolSculpting to help flush out any toxins and fat cells. 

  • A compression garment may be used after treatment.


What to Expect During the Treatment

  • There are two types of applicators (vacuum assisted and surface applicators) which may be used during your procedure.

  • Vacuum applicators: The most commonly used applicators, as the procedure is initiated, vacuum pressure draws tissue into an applicator cup between two cooling panels.  The vacuum pressure may cause sensations of deep pulling, tugging and pinching in the area being treated.  These sensations will subside over the first five to seven minutes. 

  • Surface applicator: This flat applicator does not involve suction but you will feel tingling and stinging for approximately ten minutes as the applicator cools the subcutaneous fat. 

  • You may experience intense stinging, tingling, aching or cramping as the area becomes numb (usually 5-10 minutes). Most patients experience very mild sensations; some patients experience heightened sensations.


What to Expect Immediately After CoolSculpting

  • You can expect none or some of the following symptoms immediately after the procedure.  These symptoms do not occur in most patients.  

  • Immediately after the applicator is removed, the treatment area may look or feel stiff, white, red, bruised or swollen.  Most often there is redness to the treatment area, which resolves within a few hours.  

  • You should expect mild bruising, swelling and tenderness, which resolves in 1-2 weeks.

  • Immediately after your treatment, you may feel a sense of nausea and or dizziness as your body naturally warms and sensation returns to your treatment area.  

  • Numbness or a dulling sensation to the treatment area is common and typically resolves in a few days but may persist for a few weeks. 


What to Expect the First Few Days and Weeks After Your Procedure

  • Typically, there is minimal discomfort and recovery time after the CoolSculpting procedure.  Most patients are able to return to their daily routine immediately after the procedure.

  • It is common to feel bloated and look swollen in the first few days and weeks after your procedure.  If you experience bruising, this will resolve within a week. 

  • Dullness, numbness and tingling sensations to the treatment area are common and can persist for several weeks.

  • You may experience itching which can last a couple weeks.

  • Tenderness or soreness to the area are common.

  • Weight gain will prevent you from appreciating your full results. Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine after your procedure to continue appreciating your full results.

  • Schedule a follow-up medical assessment to review your clinical results and discuss the option of additional treatments to achieve your desired outcomes.

  • Please call us at (480) 993-2218 if your symptoms appear to worsen or last longer than two weeks.


Dermaplane Pre & Post Care

Pre-Instructions for Dermaplane

  • Patients are recommended to arrive at their appointment with no makeup. Any make up will be removed prior to treatment.

  • Patients using active ingredients such as retinoids or exfoliants must stop for 3 days prior to their treatment.


Dermaplane Post-care Instructions

  • Use skincare products recommended by your aesthetician.

  • Discontinue use of retinoids and active ingredients for 3 days after your treatment.

  • Do not use harsh scrubs or abrasive loofahs following your treatment for at least 3 days.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure and wear sunscreen daily.

  • Avoid surfaces that can cause irritation (pillows, beards, turtleneck shirts, etc.)

  • Do not pick at the skin, this will cause hyperpigmentation and/or surface scars.


Call our office at (480) 993-2218 if you experience excessive redness, swelling, or pain.


DiamondGlow Post Care

Pre-Instructions for DiamondGlow

  • Patients are recommended to arrive at their appointment with no makeup. Any make up will be removed prior to treatment.

  • Patients using active ingredients such as retinoids or exfoliants must stop for 3 days prior to their treatment.


DiamondGlow Post-care Instructions

  • Use skincare products recommended by your aesthetician.

  • Discontinue use of retinoids and active ingredients for 3 days after your treatment.

  • Do not use harsh scrubs or abrasive loofahs following your treatment for at least 3 days.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure and wear sunscreen daily.

  • Avoid surfaces that can cause irritation (pillows, beards, turtleneck shirts, etc.)

  • Do not pick at the skin, this will cause hyperpigmentation and/or surface scars.


Call our office at (480) 993-2218 if you experience excessive redness, swelling, or pain.


Filler Post Care

Congratulations on your filler treatment! Dermal fillers are composed of hyaluronic acid gel that provide instant volumization & contour to the treatment areas. Results are immediate; however, best results are seen 2-4 weeks after injections, once swelling and/or bruising subside. The longevity of fillers are dependent on the brand and treatment area. It is recommended to repeat treatment every 6-12 months to maintain optimal results.

Immediately post treatment

  • No makeup for 6 hours

  • No working out for 24 hours

  • Ice may be applied GENTLY for swelling and tenderness. Do not keep ice on any one area for more than a few minutes.

  • Sleeping on your back with your head elevated on a few pillows will help with swelling.

  • Use of arnica or bromelain may help your bruises heal quicker.

  • Benadryl or Tylenol may be used as needed for itching/swelling/tenderness. Please follow the manufacturer's directions for use.

  • Lumps, bumps, asymmetries, redness, swelling, bruising and slight tenderness are normal

Avoid for 2 weeks

  • No rubbing or massaging of the area (Unless otherwise instructed by your provider).

  • Avoid getting a massage, facial, facial waxing, laser treatments.

  • Avoid extreme cold or heat such as tanning beds, hot tubs, steam rooms, saunas etc.

  • Keeping your head above your heart will help keep swelling and bruising from getting worse.

  • Pressurized cabins of airplanes can cause swelling, tenderness and bruising.


What's NOT normal

  • Blanching (paleness/tissue turning white), formation of new blisters or pustules.

  • Severe, throbbing pain.

  • A dusky/blue tint with fine reticulations (lace like) appearance to areas well beyond the injection sites.

  • Call our office at (480) 993-2218 right away if you experience any of these signs and symptoms

Tips for your next visit

  •    Avoid the following medications and supplements that thin the blood:

  • Aspirin/NSAIDs (Ibuprofen), Fish oil/Omega-3's, Alcohol, Vitamin E, Ginseng/Ginger/Garlic

  • Please check with your doctor before scheduling your injectables appointment if you are on aspirin or blood thinner regimen

  • If you have a history of cold sores, call our office for a prescription prior to your appointment

**$75 service fee will be applied to two week follow ups if product is rendered.


Hylenex Post Care

Hyaluronidase is a soluble protein enzyme that is injected into your skin or lips for the purpose of dissolving any existing hyaluronic acid dermal filler. The solution works by breaking up the bonds that hold the HA molecules together— and encourages the body to reabsorb those molecules. You should not be treated with Hylenex if you have an allergy to bee stings. 


Immediately post treatment

  • You will likely have swelling, temporary bumps, redness, bruising, tenderness over the treated areas

  • Bruising is expected and usually will remain around 2-7 days, but may last for up to two weeks.

  • Arnica gel or tablets and/or bromelain can help any bruising or inflammation resolve quicker. 

  • Massage treatment area with clean hands 3 times a day for 3 minutes for the next 3 days

  • Apply ice to the treated area to help with swelling. Avoid applying ice directly to skin. 

  • Avoid makeup to treated area for 6 hours

  • No working out for 24 hours

  • Benadryl or Tylenol may be used as needed for itching/swelling/tenderness. Please follow the manufacturer's directions for use.


What to expect:

  • After a few days following your treatment you should notice a decrease in volume to the area treated and possible changes in skin laxity.

  • More than one session of hylenex may be required to fully dissolve any remaining dermal filler*

  • The amount of sessions can vary depending on type of filler, number of prior syringes injected, and individual variation

  • It is recommended to wait a minimum of 10-14 days after dissolving to be retreated with dermal filler

  • If you believe there is still undissolved filler, please call to schedule another hylenex treatment and wait to be retreated with dermal filler 


*If additional units are needed, they will not be injected until swelling and bruising subside.


Tips for your next visit

    Avoid the following medications and supplements that thin the blood:

  • Aspirin/NSAIDs (Ibuprofen), Fish oil/Omega-3's, Alcohol, Vitamin E, Ginseng/Ginger/Garlic

  • Please check with your doctor before scheduling your injectables appointment if you are on aspirin or blood thinner regimen

  • If you have a history of cold sores, call our office for a prescription prior to your appointment


Please call our office at 480-993-2218 should you have any questions or concerns.


Kybella Pre & Post Care

Congratulations on your Kybella treatment! Kybella is an injectable treatment that permanently destroys fat cells in the treatment area. KYBELLA® is synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat, so further treatment is not expected once you reach your desired aesthetic goal.


Before Treatment

  • You may not be treated if you are pregnant or nursing, have difficulty swallowing, nerve injury or weakness in the lower face, or an infection in the area. 

  • Inform your medical provider if you are on blood thinners, or have had procedures or surgery on your lower face or neck.

  • Avoid ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) & Aspirin a few days before your appointment. 

  • Tylenol will not cause bruising and is preferred for the week prior to treatment, if needed.

  • Avoid Vitamin E, fish oils, and Ginkgo Biloba for one week prior to treatment.

  • To avoid possible discomfort, you may take 1g of acetaminophen (i.e. Tylenol) or Arnica one hour prior to your scheduled appointment.

  • Plan your procedure so that you can have 4 full days before returning to work or important social engagements.


After Treatment

  • Have acetaminophen (Tylenol), Zyrtec/Benadryl (an antihistamine, and/or Arnica available at home for discomfort and itching that may result from the procedure.

  • Swelling, bruising, and redness are expected. You may also experience pain, numbness, and induration. Side effects may last for up to 14 days or longer. 

  • Ice may be applied GENTLY for swelling and tenderness. Do not keep ice on any one area for more than a few minutes.

  • Do not participate in strenuous activity for 3 days following treatment

  • Sleep with your head elevated on a few pillows to help with swelling

  • Do not scratch, pick or traumatize the area in any way. Do not massage or manipulate the injection site.

  • You may apply your normal skin care regimen and sunscreen normally.

  • Call the office at (480) 993-2218 if you have any difficulty swallowing, breathing, changes in your smile or any other unusual symptoms.


Remember, Kybella works by destroying fat cells and depleting them through urine. It is recommended to drink lots of fluids. Additional treatments can be repeated every 6-8weeks until aesthetic goals are achieved.

Laser Hair

Laser Hair Removal Pre & Post Care

Before Treatment:​

  • You must shave or closely clip the hair on the area of treatment. IF you cannot shave yourself, advise the staff at the time of scheduling and our technician can do it for you for a fee of $20 per occurrence.

  • Do NOT wax, tweeze, or use depilatories for 4 weeks prior to start of treatment and during your series of laser hair reduction. Once the hair has been taken out, there will be no follicle for the laser to target

  • Avoid sun exposure for 1 to 2 weeks prior to treatment and use SPF 30 daily to ensure coverage against UVA and UVB rays

  • Avoid tanning beds and self tanning products for 2 weeks prior to treatment and after treatment - Discontinue use of Tretinoin type of products (such as Renova, Tretinoin, Retin-A, Retin-A Micro, Tri-Luma, Solage, etc.) or Hydroquinone at least 2 or 3 day prior to treatment

  • Medications that are sun sensitive will also make you sensitive. Please disclose any medications that you may be taking to the technician

  • If you have a history of cold sores, consider using prophylactic treatment of Valtrex or similar medication no later than the day prior to your treatment

  • Longevity of Botox/Dysport and fillers doe any time within 6 months prior to face treatment may be affected. Injectable treatments done within 2 weeks prior to laser treatment is not recommended

*Remember: Laser hair reduction is never 100%. Industry standards are 75% to 90% reduction in the hair. Not all hair follicles will be destroyed. Hormones or medications can cause hair to grow back

After Treatment:​

  • Avoid exfoliating and shaving for 48 hours after treatment.

  • Ice pack or Aloe Vera can be applied after treatment to ease any temporary discomfort

  • You may experience small red bumps around the follicle. This normal and expected. Do not pick, rub or scratch these areas until it has cleared. Your skin overall may be sensitive for several days following your laser treatment

  • If the area of treatment scabs or crusts, or you experience a burn, DO NOT pick, rub or scratch the areas. Doing so can cause infection, permanent pigment changes in your skin or cause scarring. Gently cleanse the area and apply hydrocortisone cream several times a day for one week. Contact the office immediately if you do experience any burns.

  • Avoid sunbathing,swimming pools, hot tubs, and saunas for 24-36 hours after your treatment

  • Although rare, infection in the treated area is possible. Signs of infection may include but not limited to redness and tenderness in the infected area, and fever. Should you develop an infection, antibiotics may be necessary. Please call our office if infection occurs.

** Note ** - Do not expect your hair to “not grow back” after a single session. Laser hair removal is a process - It can take several weeks for the hair to “fall out” (push up and out of the follicle.) This time frame is normal


Neurotoxins Post Care

Congratulations on your Botox/Dysport treatment! Neuromodulators work by temporarily relaxing facial muscles that cause fine lines and wrinkles. 


Botox: Botox begins to take effect in 7-10 days and takes 2 weeks to hit its peak. Clinically it lasts 3-4 months.

Dysport: Dysport begins to take effect in 3-5 days and takes 2 weeks to hit its peak. Clinically it lasts 3-4 months.

*If additional units are needed, they will not be injected until the initial injections have hit their peak.


Immediately post treatment

  • Do not touch or massage the treatment area for 48 hours

  • Redness and bumps may be present for 15-30 minutes.

  • Bruising can occur and may last for about a week. 

  • Arnica and/or bromelain can help any bruising or inflammation resolve quicker. 


4 hours post treatment

  • Keep your head upright for 4 hours, avoid laying down flat.

  • Avoid makeup within 4 hours of treatment; Applying makeup with clean hands and brushes will help decrease risk of infection.

  • Please do not use extreme pressure to apply cosmetics, lotions or serums.


24 hours post treatment

  • If the forehead area is treated, do not wear hats, headbands, sweatbands etc. or use Clarisonic Brush to avoid migration of product.

  • No exercise for 24 hours

  • No hot tubs, steam rooms, saunas, tanning beds, working out for 24 hours.

  • No vigorous washing, scrubbing or rubbing of treatment area- this includes facials, massages, Clarisonic face brushes, facial waxing, exfoliating scrubs etc.


Tips for your next visit

Studies show a daily dose of 50mg Zinc Citrate for 4 days prior to treatment and the day of treatment may help Botox/Dysport last up to 30% longer.


   Avoid the following medications and supplements that thin the blood:

  • Aspirin/NSAIDs (Ibuprofen), Fish oil/Omega-3's, Alcohol, Vitamin E, Ginseng/Ginger/Garlic

  • Please check with your doctor before scheduling your injectables appointment if you are on aspirin or blood thinner regimen

  • If you have a history of cold sores, call our office for a prescription prior to your appointment

pdo threads

PDO Thread Pre & Post Care

Congratulations on your PDO Thread treatment! PDO threads are composed of Polydioxanone which has been used for over a decade in cardiothoracic surgery because it is fully absorbed by hydrolysis within 4 to 6 months & doesn't create any scar tissue. The threads stimulate collagen synthesis & the skin structure created will hold for another 12 to 15 months.

Pre-Instructions for PDO treatments

  • Patients are recommended to arrive at their appointment with no makeup. Any make up will be removed prior to treatment.

  • Patients taking blood thinning medication (e.g. Aspirin) should consult with their physician if they can stop for 3 days prior to their treatment.

  • Patients should avoid drinking alcohol prior to treatment.

  • Plan your procedure so that you can have 2-3 days before returning to work or important social engagements.


PDO Post-care Instructions

  • Ice may be applied GENTLY for swelling and tenderness. Do not keep ice on any one area for more than a few minutes.

  • Avoid opening your mouth too wide for up to 4 weeks, and reschedule any dental appointments for at least 2-4 weeks after your treatment

  • You may GENTLY wash your treated area in an upward motion starting from the same day as your procedure, but avoid rubbing or massaging the face for at least two weeks (DO NOT RUB DOWN)

  • Avoid tanning machines and direct sunlight, and apply SPF 30+ sunblock when going outside

  • Stinging or pulling pain and discomfort are normal, and can be alleviated with over-the-counter Tylenol 500 mg (1-2 tablets every six hours as directed). NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen and Naproxen should be avoided.

  • Stinging, “Pulling”, scratchy sensations will begin to subside by week 2 and disappear by week 5

  • Avoid alcohol and anticoagulant medicines (aspirin, unless prescribed for medical indications) for 7 days. 

  • Take a break from strenuous exercise for at least a week

  • Avoid RF or laser, IPL’s and other energy generated treatments for at least 4 weeks.

  • Patients must finish the course of antibiotics if prescribed as part of the treatment protocol. If prescribed antibiotics, finish them all

Remember, PDO Smooth & Twist Threads create a mesh under the skin to stimulate collagen and fibrosis around the network of sutures placed. This improves the elasticity, softens wrinkles and improves ptosis. It is recommended to repeat your Smooth & Twist Threads treatment in 6-8 weeks for best results.

PDO Barbed Threads create a subtle lift of the skin in the direction the thread is placed. It is recommended to repeat your Barbed Thread treatment in 4 months for best results if needed.

Call our office at (480) 993-2218 if you experience excessive redness, swelling, pain or drainage as they might indicate an infection. If you feel there is a chance a thread may be poking out of the skin, please call our office to follow up with one of our providers. Be sure to keep any follow-up appointments that may be scheduled.


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) consists of two elements: plasma, or the liquid portion of blood, and platelets, a type of blood cell that plays an important role in healing throughout the body. PRP contains growth factors that can trigger cell reproduction and stimulate tissue regeneration or healing in the treated area. For best results, 3 consecutive treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart, are recommended. 


Before Treatment

  • You may not be treated if you are pregnant or nursing, have difficulty swallowing, nerve injury or weakness in the lower face, or an infection in the area. 

  • The Day Before: Drink plenty of water, eat well, and get a good night’s rest.

  • The Day Of: Stay hydrated and eat a full, nutritious meal.Inform your medical provider if you are on blood thinners.

  • Avoid ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), Aspirin or NSAIDs a few days before your appointment. 

  • Tylenol will not cause bruising and is preferred for the week prior to treatment, if needed.

  • Avoid Vitamin E, fish oils, and Ginkgo Biloba for one week prior to treatment.

  • To avoid possible discomfort, you may take 1g of acetaminophen (i.e. Tylenol) or Arnica one hour prior to your scheduled appointment.

  • Plan your procedure so that you can have 24-48hrs before returning to work or important social engagements.


Immediately post treatment

  • DO NOT touch, rub, or manipulate areas of treatment for up to 8 hours after treatment.

  • DO NOT wash or take a shower for at least 6 hours after your treatment. 

  • DO NOT use any lotions, creams, or makeup for at least 6 hours after treatment. 

  • DO NOT apply ice or heat to the treated area for 3 days after treatment.

  • Benadryl or Tylenol may be used as needed for itching/swelling/tenderness/discomfort. Please follow the manufacturer's directions for use.

  • AVOID vigorous exercise, sun and heat exposure, alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes for 3 DAYS after treatment.

  • Sleeping on your back with your head elevated on a few pillows will help with swelling.

  • It is NORMAL to experience bruising, redness, itching, soreness, and swelling for 3-10 days following the procedure. 

  • Use of arnica or bromelain may help your bruises heal quicker.

  • Stay hydrated and eat healthy, nutritious meals. 


Hair Restoration:

  • Shower the morning of your appointment and wash your hair thoroughly with regular shampoo.

  • Do not apply any hair products before your treatment | Avoid products 6 hours after treatment.

  • Do not wet hair for 3 hours after appointment, use regular shampoo when showering.

  • To truly maximize your results, it is recommended to incorporate supplements with your hair restoration process. Research has shown that NUTRAFOL results in greater hair growth

PRP Pre & Post Care


Congratulations on your Sculptra treatment! Sculptra gradually stimulates collagen production to deliver natural looking results. Sculptra is a biodegradable injectable poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) collagen biostimulator that works deep in the skin to improve its inner structure to smooth facial wrinkles, thicken skin & improve skin laxity.


Immediately post treatment

  • It is normal to be swollen and look full of fluid, your body absorb this within 24-48 hours

  • With clean hands massage the treated area in a circular motion for 5 minutes, 5 times a day, for the next 5 days 

  • No makeup for 6 hours

  • No working out for 24 hours

  • Ice may be applied GENTLY for swelling and tenderness. Do not keep ice on any one area for more  than a few minutes.

  • Sleeping on your back with your head elevated on a few pillows will help with swelling.

  • Use of arnica or bromelain may help any bruises heal quicker.

  • Benadryl or Tylenol may be used as needed for itching/swelling/tenderness. Please follow the manufacturer's directions for use.

  • Avoid excess sunlight after treatment, always use SPF


Remember, Sculptra Aesthetic works by gradually replacing lost collagen. It provides improvements subtly without making it look like you’ve had work done. It is recommended to repeat your Sculptra treatment in 4-6 weeks unless stated otherwise by your provider. Expect to see results 2-3months after completing your Sculptra sessions.

Call our office at (480) 993-2218 if you experience excessive redness, swelling, pain or drainage as they might indicate an infection. Be sure to keep any follow-up appointments that may be scheduled.

Sculptra Post Care


Congratulations on your SkinPen treatment! SkinPen creates controlled micro-injuries to stimulate the body’s natural wound-healing process, while minimizing cellular damage. The skin will appear slightly pink to red immediately post-procedure, similar to a mild to moderate sunburn. Additionally, the most common treatment responses experienced were dryness, rough skin, tightness, redness, itching, peeling, discomfort, tenderness and burning. 


What to avoid before treatment

     Avoid the following medications and supplements that thin the blood:

  • Aspirin/NSAIDs (Ibuprofen), Fish oil/Omega-3's, Alcohol, Vitamin E, Ginseng/Ginger/Garlic

  • Please check with your doctor before scheduling your SkinPen appointment if you are on aspirin or blood thinner regimen

  • If you have a history of cold sores, call our office for a prescription prior to your appointment

  • Stop Laser Hair Removal, Electrolysis, Waxing, and Depilatory creams one week prior to treatment.

  • Stop topical retinoids (tretinoin/retinoic acid (Retin-A, Renova, Refissa)) one week prior to treatment.

  • If using Accutane, a 3-month waiting period after discontinuation of medication is required.

  • Plan on going directly home after treatment to avoid infection

Immediately post treatment

  • Immediate pinpoint bleeding may occur, which will resolve within 10 minutes.

  • Minor redness and swelling will occur for 1-2 days.

  • Minor peeling and flakiness will occur after a few days. (DO NOT PICK SKIN/SCABS)

  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated & Avoid direct sunlight 

  • Plan on going directly home after treatment to avoid infection

Avoid for up to 2 weeks

  • Avoid direct sunlight and heat. This includes simple day-to-day tasks such as gardening, cooking over a hot stove for a long period of time, sitting next to a bonfire or fireplace, etc.

  • Discontinue use of any Alpha-Hydroxy products. You may resume your homecare regimen when skin is no longer flaking and peeling.

  • Use hydrating and reparative products. Products rich in soothing and healing ingredients are best to encourage new, healthy cell growth. Peptides, antioxidants, stem cells, Vitamin A, C, and E, and growth factors work very well. 

  • Use physical sunscreen. Sun care products should be applied no less than every 30-90 minutes. DO NOT go outside without sun protection (even on a cloudy day).

  • Limit exercise for the first week 

What's NOT normal

  • Call our office at (480) 993-2218 if you experience excessive redness, swelling, pain or drainage as they might indicate an infection.

SkinPen Pre & Post Care

vi peel

VI Peel Pre & Post Care

Congratulations on completing your VI Peel treatment! These peels are uniquely formulated and designed to lift pigment, remove sun damage, alleviate acne and scarring, and fight fine lines and wrinkles. All of our painless, medium-depth VI Peels are safe for all skin types and tones with results in as little as 7 days!

Pre-Instructions for VI Peel

  • Patients are recommended to arrive at their appointment with no makeup. Any make up will be removed prior to treatment.

  • Patients using active ingredients such as retinoids or exfoliants must stop for 3 days prior to their treatment.

  • Plan your week so you are able to stay inside and avoid the sun.


VI Peel Post-care Instructions

  • You will be sent home with a step-by-step kit explaining all necessary steps for the next 7 days, morning and night. The kit comes with a gentle cleanser, post peel towelettes, post treatment repair cream, and spf. It is important to follow the instructions given.

  • Avoid sun exposure for 2 weeks post treatment.

  • Sleep on a clean pillow case, avoid sleeping with pets.

  • Optimize results by continuing a healthy facial routine of gentle cleanser, serum, moisturizer, and daily sunscreen after using the post care kit for a week.

  • Avoid intense workouts and sweating for 24-48 hours.

  • Avoid surfaces that can cause irritation (blankets, beards, turtleneck shirts, etc.)

  • Do not pick at the skin, this will cause hyperpigmentation and/or surface scars.

  • Avoid RF or laser, IPL’s and other energy generated treatments for at least 4 weeks.

  • We recommend scheduling a Diamond Glow facial after skin is healed to exfoliate any remaining dead skin and infuse hydrating serums.

Call our office at (480) 993-2218 if you experience excessive redness, swelling, or pain.

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